It’s tough out there! The Talent Fairy offers services for editorial and content marketing talent to navigate this challenging job market. #editorsmakethebesthires

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former journalist, 2024
“I’m now the director of brand journalism and thought leadership for a global nonprofit! You’d steered me toward brand publishing and thought leadership in our sessions. Thank you, sincerely, for your help and advice. Without your coaching and resume overhaul I wouldn’t have landed a role like this.”
“My resume and LinkedIn profile are now 10,000% better. And for the first time, I have an idea of where I belong outside of traditional media. Means the world…. In other news, I got a job!”
“I truly feel like your career coaching helped me so much in my job search this time around and really made me a confident interviewer and a stand-out candidate.”
“Thank you so much! And thank you for the excellent coaching. I feel like I learned a lot, and I am much better prepared to take on the job search!”
“Thank you so much for your support and guidance. The one thing that really made all the difference was being clear about the type of company I wanted to work for. When I stopped applying to jobs that I could do and started looking for companies that I wanted to work for things really turned …
“I needed to let you know that literally the first job application I submitted with my new rez and cover letter written based on your resources/blog post got me an interview!”
Former EIC
“So many people [from my previous employer] wanted to know my secret for getting another job, and I told them all it was working with you. It put me in the right mindset, gave me the words and ideas to use with corporate folks, and then helped me get a great package in the end. …
Madeleine Fournier
“I had an interview today where my interviewer called my resume ‘absolutely fabulous’ and I knew it was due to the updates you made! Actually, I have 7 or 8 interviews this week, and this job search has been markedly different from my previous one, thanks to all your help. Additionally, the worksheet you had me …
Well, Hello!
Thanks for taking a look at my services. I’m looking forward to helping you find a job, and a career, you love. To learn more about me and my own career journey, please see my bio. Do note that I require all payment upfront via credit card or PayPal. If you have any questions about my services or the coaching process, email me at [email protected].