By Janine Puhak
We’ve all been there – the workday is dragging because you’ve got a looming deadline, and a simple pick-me-up from Starbucks isn’t enough. Instead of reaching for another cup of caffeine, try one of these drinks. You’ll get your head back in the game and impress your editor in the nick of time sans a nasty caffeine crash. (Something worth cheers-ing to!)
Early Morning
Whether your early start is due to an article that needs scheduling or just a desire to beat the morning rush, jump-start your immune system with a cup of hot water and fresh lemon. Lemon is an alkaline food, which kicks the digestive system and liver into action while simultaneously flushing toxins out of the body. Each sip will get you closer to a more energetic and balanced you.
A lackluster breakfast can leave your stomach growling well before lunchtime. Bide your time with a glass of milk. Skip out on skim and opt for something with a fuller fat content like 2 percent or whole. More calories will keep you fuller, longer. Chocaholics, feel free to boost taste with some all-natural cocoa powder, too. The winning combination of protein, fat and carbs will stabilize blood sugar, so you can blaze through even the most difficult caption-writing fully focused.
Instead of a fresh salad, try a smoothie for lunch. Health editors everywhere have said it before, but it’s worth repeating: Know what ingredients to look for before placing your order. Say, “Yes,” to fresh produce, light yogurts and all-natural proteins and steer clear of high fructose corn syrups, ice cream and sherbet that essentially transform your healthy drink into dessert.
Skip a second cup of coffee, and try a tea instead. Long linked to improving heart health, the low-caffeine wonder has been said to strengthen bones, digestion and the immune system. Whether you take it hot or iced, delight in natural flavors like peppermint, ginger or blueberry if you find yourself bored with classic black and green. Each sip has almost no calories, so add a natural sweetener like honey or raw cane sugar if you need some extra flavor.
End of the day
Before heading out, curb your rumbling stomach with a fresh juice. Tomato, beet, orange, pomegranate, cranberry and kale varieties will quiet your cravings and can replenish electrolytes, antioxidants and vitamins, too. You’ll be clearheaded before heading to an evening press event where you can indulge in a cocktail or glass of wine.