Things are finally looking up for editorial folks. It’s about damn time! In our annual Talent Fairy Editorial Hiring Report we surveyed 200+ in the editorial talent community (that’s editors, writers, content creators in both traditional editorial and branded/content marketing). After years of job loss, furloughs, and pay cuts, we heard a collective sigh of relief from editors for the rebounding job market and demand for roles that require editorial skills. We also found that editors are crushing hard on tech brands, remote work, and asking for more money and getting it (gasp!).

Check out the full results from editorial talent and hiring managers (yes, we talked to those hiring too this year) and let’s celebrate together. Like all bubbles it’s likely to deflate, but this community is long overdue for some good news, so let’s ride this one out as long as we can!
Happy Holidays!
Chandra Turner, founder, The Talent Fairy
Chandra Turner is founder and CEO of Ed2010 and Talent Fairy. She is a talent recruiter specializing in content and editorial roles. She also offers personalized career coaching for media professionals at all stages of their career.
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